Thursday, December 21, 2023

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Colorado undermines democracy in the name of democracy.  It was a 4-3 decision by the state Supreme Court it should be remembered. Also remember that all 4 justices who voted for this are Democratic appointees and Ivy League grads.

- Colorado Supreme Court orders Jack Phillips bake cake to celebrate Trump ruling

- Jonathan Turley on the Colorado Supreme Court's decision. Today's offering is pretty top heavy with this issue.

- Dan Wetzel on is Florida State leaving the ACC? A little football for palate cleansing.


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Saving democracy for democrats is paramount. Killing republics is just a cool feature. Since no unalienable liberty is absolute we should not be paying taxes to people until they figure out how to dismantle their democracy and reinstate our republic. The only thing that is not absolute is their power and our ability to replace them once they stray away from a republic. Aiding and abetting our self avowed enemies is treason.

  2. This was not a post that was not thought out beforehand.

    Believe in the idea that the road to hell is not paved with good intention but with bad intentions. Mainly the intention to remain in power. They know they can't win an honest debate or a war of ideas so they try to shut it down.
