Sunday, December 31, 2023

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- 100 Year Plan: Securing your online legacy for a century. May have to look into this but the pricetag is a bit steep. (HT Kevin Kelly)

DOJ accused of covering for "dep state" by not ordering second trial against SBF. Most corrupt DOJ in history.

- Sadly true but we shouldn't use the r-word either

- VDH on Our Razor's Edge


  1. The asking price appears intention to ensure the company's existence for a century. I doubt they'll sell enough to make it worthwhile ... but I've been wrong before, and am probably underestimating the population's hubris.

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    The only reason retard is inapropos is because there is no evidence that the climate change zealots will ever catch up intellectually. So they are not retarded, i.e., slow. They are permanently damaged.

  3. Bob - currently looking at either s slate replacement roof or a metal one. The metal one's more expensive but much more expensive. At my age we're going with the slate replacement roof.

    Paul - my problem with going for a century is what do you care? Seriously - you'll be dead. If it matters to your loved ones or others - you can write it into your will that they can take control. A lot less expensive too. In the next life what does it matter?

  4. I hope the damage is not permanent.
