Saturday, November 28, 2020

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Perhaps the phrase that best describes the 2020 Presidential election is, "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad." The reason I believe this is because one side from the ultra-fringe from either the Democrats or Republicans  is definitely going to go insane when the results are finalized and their actions will destroy themselves and their cause... Jesus on Black Friday (going to hell for this)... If you watch the movie To Kill a Mockingbird backwards it is the story of a black man brought back from the dead to break up some furniture... "Loki Never Forgets an Insult" would make a great Trump 2024 campaign slogan... Periodic reminder to Steelers fans - your team lost playoff games to both Blake Bortles and Tim Tebow.. Prior to the second day of the Battle of Stirling the Scots knelt and prayed. King Edward II saw this and assumed the Scots were praying for mercy from the English. The Scots were actually praying to beg forgiveness for what they were about to do to the English... 

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