Sunday, August 26, 2007

Michael Vick's House

Yesterday, for some reason, I got thinking about Michael Vick's house in Virginia where the dog-fighting and dog murders took place. Specifically, I had two things I wondered about:

1. A twist on the old question - "Would you buy a murder house?" If you had a chance to buy Michael Vick's house at 1915 Moonlight Road at a discount - would you? For me a house with an assessed value of over $700,000 has to have a pool and this house does not. That takes me out of the running for buying a house like that and living there. The only way I would consider buying that house is if the discount was so big that I had the opportunity to immediately put it back on the market and realize a profit of over $50,000. Call me mercenary or merciless but I'm not a believer in lingering spirits (especially dog spirits).

2. That house was purchased by Vick for just $30,000 in 2001 and the assessed value today is $747,000? Vick basically got that house for free. What is the story behind that? Some enterprising journalist should follow up on this because there is definitely a story behind the original purchase of the house.

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