Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Randy Moss

I have to say that my instincts tell me that Randy Moss is telling the truth regarding the allegations of battery his lady "friend" has brought forth. Here is my reasoning in the matter:

1. It is battery and not assault and battery that is being alleged. Based on what I remember from Mr. Paul's Criminal Law class in high school - that tells me that there was no intent in any contact or harm that may have occurred.

2. There are no criminal charges pending - so it wasn't criminal battery. Randy mentioned an "accident" - so my guess is that there was some accidental contact and now his friend is trying to cash in on it.

3. I have heard that his lady "friend" was asking for six-figures in compensation and the timing seems funny. If it was a legitimate injury - I doubt the woman would know the full medical costs she would be faced with since this just happened last week. It sounds to me like she is trying to cash in on Randy Moss as her one shot to hit the lottery. Maybe she thought that Randy would be easy pickings because he'd be anxious to avoid any bad publicity or distraction to the team. If he was guilty - I'm sure that would have been the case. Instead he seems pissed off that a friend of 11 years would try and pull this "extortion" job on him.

There's nobody worse in my eyes than a person who would harm a child or a woman but I'm afraid that I have to believe Randy Moss and give him the benefit of the doubt here based upon what facts have been made public.

EDIT: Here is the restraining order complaint against Moss.

After reading it - I'm still inclined to believe believe Randy. Again - I'm no lawyer so I don't know if the person filing a criminal complaint has more potential liability or burden of proof than filing a restraining order but I have to think that if Randy Moss really hurt this woman and then kept her from getting medical treatment then criminal charges would have been in order. Yet 8 days after the alleged incident no charges have been filed. Instead a restraining order asking to keep Randy Moss 500 feet away is filed. Was the purpose protection or embarrassment? Or maybe extortion?

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