Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Wuhan Virus Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations about the Wuhan Corona Virus.

I'm definitely down with referring to the crisis as the Wuhan virus but only because Xi Disease never seemed to get any traction. People should be reminded that this crisis originated in China... Not sure how I feel about colleges cancelling in-person classes in favor of distance learning. People aged 10-19 and  20-29 have a very low mortality from the Wuhan virus whereas parents who are by definition much older have a much higher incidence of death.  What's the real harm in letting kids continue with their classes together and keep those who may have been exposed away from parents who have a greater chance of dying?... People who say that using the term Wuhan virus is racist are nothing more than useful idiots. Useful to the Communist Chinese. Was it racist for the flu of 1918 to be called the Spanish Flu? Should everyone have to learn a new term for the West Nile virus? No - don't fall for these dumb claims of racism... So if colleges like NYU are asking kids not to return to campus after Spring Break but instead telecommute their classes from home will there be a tuition reimbursement to the parents since room and board are no longer being provided by the college? No? Didn't think so... Personally I'm not worried about the Wuhan virus because I've marked the entrance to my dwelling in lamb's blood so that the Angel of Death will pass over me...


  1. Lovely, absolutely lovely. Thanks. S

  2. I thought you needed Chick-fil-A sauce for Wuhan Passover?

  3. Saltines and chicken noodle soup
