Thursday, September 24, 2020

Linky Links

 Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- The Abraham Accords and the Emperor's New Clothes

- Democrats worry about Senator Feinstein. Will be interesting if the 87-year old Senator from California performs badly if the issues of her Chinese spy driver or term-limits start getting raised by media on the Left.

- 5 productivity tips to help you better manage your time.

- Minneapolis PD to business owners: Reinforcements are not on the way. At some point you'd think the residents of Minneapolis would wake up and realize that they voted for the same things that destroyed Venezuela. Don't look for the rest of the country to have much sympathy.

- Why are the media and far Left so anti-Joe Rogan? The media is against Rogan because he's crushing them. His type of media is ascending and the traditional media is holding on for dear life. The far-Left hate him because, like his listeners, he thinks for himself and does not sheepishly buy into whatever the talking points of the day happen to be.

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