Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Linky Links

 Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- New York City cannot rebound without Broadway. And Broadway's way back is uncertain. Conservative estimate is Fall of 2021. And I wouldn't hold your breath for any federal bailout out of Broadway because there are going to be so many other things with higher priority.

- SMIC shares sink, US ban worries cloud China's hope for chip self-sufficiency

- Naval Ravikant's book recommendation list

- China unveils global data security initiative, citing "bullying" by some nations. Going on past performance any nation who buys into this is beyond foolish. It is interesting as a benchmark of how worried China has become. The de-coupling is coming.

- I'm a sucker for a good political ad - and this is a good ad. EDIT: If you're interested in donating to Alek's campaign here's the link.

 - "The Gov Killed Nana"


  1. I agree about the ad. Here’s his site should you want more info or contribute. I did.

  2. I agree but that link doesn't seem to be working
