Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Captain Ed Freeman RIP. Where do we find such men?

- Bernie Sanders now backs equality (opportunity) over equity (outcome). Interesting.

- Arrest warrant issued for Bill Gates in Philippines. Two questions after reading this - is this serious or satire? Secondly - the Philippines must have an extradition treaty with the US as a protectorate right?

- Wow - didn't know this. Johnny Cash was the first American to learn of Joseph Stalin's death.


  1. Ed Freeman: Actually, I think we had quite a few like him over there. Conditions demanded it. Only some/few were recognized. Good that they WERE recognized, though for some it took a very long time and getting past political games.

  2. Bugs me that we don't hear the stories in the media any more. And now they're starting to pass away.

    BTW - think I've posted "where do we find such men" in all the links to MoH winners over the years.
