Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Tucker Carlson Episode 44.  

- Mookie Betts to be full-time 2nd baseman.

- The rise of the US dollar since the 19th century. The dominance of the dollar is a relatively new thing and should not be assumed to be permanent. 

- Spotify lays off 1,500 workers. CEO keeps job. (HT Steve Landry)


  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Watched Carlson 44, saw Kerry demand no more coal-fired power plants. LET'S DO IT ! Shut down every coal-fired power plant for 10 days as a "John Kerry Clean Air Demand" and make sure EVERYONE knows it's a Kerry/Biden/Harris initiative.

    (One day would achieve the necessary result, but a 24-hour shutdown for coal fired boilers is impossible, and 10 days would give the power generating companies time for some maintenance and overhaul.

  2. Have long said the President should say that each military base in the US must have a small footprint nuclear reactor to insure proper uptime not dependent on the local grid. Failure to grant such permission from the host state would mean that base would be closed - it would be the local government doing it not the President.

    This way the US gets way more energy independent and the red states get to keep their bases (and jobs) at the expense of NIMBY blue states. Or that blue state jumps on the nuclear power bandwagon. Win-win.
