Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Happy 84th Birthday to Clint Eastwood

Today is Clint's birthday (he turns 94 today - can you believe that?). Here are what I consider his Top 5 movies.

1. Unforgiven
2. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 
3. Dirty Harry 
4. Fistful of Dollars 
5. (tie) Kelly's Heroes (tie) Where Eagles Dare (tie) Outlaw Josey Wales 

Really liked Grand Torino but the ones I picked were classics. Also liked The Eiger Sanction but the book was better. The other Dirty Harry films didn't make the list because that character became cartoonish as it went along. Used to have The Outlaw Josey Wales as my number one but Sondra Locke's presence really detracts from the film.


  1. That's a good top 5, 1 & 2 could go either way for me. Kelly's Heroes was ok but tough to fit so many amazing movies into only 5 spots. No quibble from me on it. I might bump Fistful and Kelly's from the list to make room for Grand Torino. Flags of our fathers or Letters from Iwo could break the top 5 but again that's a mighty tough list if you include his directing etc. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Thanks! Feel I had to include Kelly's and Fistful because I've seen them so many times (damn basic cable growing up) that I've lost objectivity. Really liked Grand Torino but only saw it twice. Read the book Flags of Our Fathers and its tough for me to rate a movie over a book (The Dead Zone being the exception).
