Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Bill Walton is one of those people that I did not know personally but their sudden loss has left a void in my life. I felt the same about the loss of Norm Macdonald. As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Thanks! 


  1. Largebill6:25 PM

    You might be surprised to learn Wells is actually quite thin now. Saw a picture of him with Clint Eastwood at some golf thing and he lost a lot of weight. He may have quit drinking.

    I get your complaint about Ohio, but ask yourself this, if the GOP candidate ran afoul of Michigan election laws, would Whitmer have a hissy fit like DeWine did over the legislature not wanting to clean up the mess?

  2. Bill - more curious about Wells than anything. Not surprised by DeWine. Actually kinda like him.
