Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bizarro Objectivism

I saw this post over at the Bidinotto Blog and was completely non-plussed about how the institute that bears Ayn Rand's name is being run. Here's the paragraph that really blew me away:
Tracinski's apparent criminal offense was to publicly disagree with the completely irrational position on the recent elections that was put forth by Dr. Leonard Peikoff, co-founder of ARI, to wit: Don't vote for any Republican, no matter how good he may be as an individual, because if Republicans stay in power, we're in imminent danger of a theocracy in America.
Robert Bidinotto was blown away by the lunacy of such a position coming from the Ayn Rand Institute as well. Never mind that Rand was all about individual choice and against anyone saying they knew best what was right for the collective good - you would think that Randians would be more against Democrats and their Robin Hood wealth redistribution tendencies than anything the Republicans tend towards.

Just bizarre.

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