Saturday, January 20, 2007

Inauguration Day

Today is traditionally Inauguration Day and if there were a presidential election held last November then today would have been the day the new President was to take the oath of office.

Do yourself a favor and take a look at these two speeches from Inauguration Days gone by:

John F. Kennedy 1961 Inaugural Speech

Ronald Reagan 1981 Inaugural Speech

Look at how much our country has changed in just under 50 years. Our hopes, fears and goals are all much different today. Some of our beliefs were wrong (the UN is not and was not "our last best hope" for example). Looking at speeches like these help with perspective which is important. Also when reading the speeches keep in mind our economy and how we went from such a strong economy when JFK was sworn in to stagflation when Reagan took office. Remember the mistakes that took us down the primrose path and the medicine it took to get us back to where we are today. Remember these lessons because some in Congress seem determined to forget them and replicate the mistakes of the past.

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