Thursday, March 07, 2019

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- I love Alex Trebek. I'm praying for him to beat the long odds. He's the best!

- In other medical news - Billionaire diamond trader dies during penis enlargement surgery.

- The physics still hiding in the Higgs Boson. Going to have to read this a second time (for comprehension reasons)

- Clint Eastwood's Code (Via Execupundit)

- Cool - the moment of impact for a bullet

- Well that's one way to look at Brexit I guess

- Israeli company can produce 5,000 liters of clean drinking water from just the air and a good electrical supply. The cost per liter is estimated at just $.02-04 per liter!


  1. Star wars style moisture vaporators!!

  2. When I read that article my first thought was of Fremen technology on Dune

  3. I produce water from air every summer in my own home. I have a dehumidifier.

  4. Yes but do you drink that water?

    If yes - you sick puppy!
