Saturday, March 09, 2019

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Report says US users are leaving Facebook by the millions. Yeah but if they are just porting over to Instagram then Facebook is still reaping that revenue.

- I miss Christopher Hitchens

- Heh heh - Hipster whines to tech magazine that they used his picture without permission in an article saying all hipsters look alike. Complaining hipster learns the picture was of a completely different hipster! Couldn't even recognize himself!

- Interesting - the Dutch are firing up a Thorium-Salt nuclear reactor. This is a technology the US should be utilizing on a wide scale.

- In 1944 this was a busy week for Chuck Yeager. He got his first air victory then he got shot down. Once he got to the ground and the woods he knew he was safe, "Ain't a German in the world that can catch a West Virginian in the woods." Where do we find such men?

- Simon Sinek on Millennials in the workplace. Excellent insight!

- 14 types of push-ups and how they help you. Some of these will definitely get added to my routine but some look really tough.

1 comment:

  1. Hitchens was a rare creature, a liberal who used his brain.
