Friday, March 08, 2019

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- 20 notoriously underrated writers you should be reading. I admit that the majority of the writers on this list were unknown to me. Have to widen my reading circle. (Via Execupundit)

- Agree 100%! Never understood why people voluntarily bought this gum

- Octopus and squid evolution is officially weirder than previously thought

- Heh Heh - Darth Vader on DMT

- Interesting long read profile of John Bolton in of all places The Atlantic. Filled with backhanded compliments the article will result in the "two screen effect" Scott Adams speaks about so often. The Left will read it and see Bolton as a monster while the Right will read it and say "Hey this guy Bolton is just what the US needs."

- 3 simple exercises Men's Health says you should do every day.

- The Stray Cats announce their first album in 25-years and first US tour in 10-years. These guy are from Long Island? Who knew?

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