Thursday, March 25, 2021

A Modest Proposal

Here's a modest proposal to save Social Security.

Everyone knows that Social Security is basically a Ponzi scheme that was designed for an era when the average lifespan was just 65-years old. It was meant as a safety net not a retirement plan. Anyway here's what I suggest.

We nominate a social media Czar or Star Chamber and if it is brought to their attention that you've said or done anything in the past or in current day on social media worthy of you being "cancelled" then you lose your rights to any Social Security funds. Solvency problem instantly solved.

It would really suck for a 15-year old who makes a single mistake - say a dumb Tweet or Tic Toc video - and suddenly finds themselves in the position of now having to pay into a system that they can never benefit from. Future generations would learn never to get on social media in the first place.

Everybody wins!

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