Tuesday, March 23, 2021

More Linky Links

More stuff I found interesting or amusing.

- Can happiness be learned? I think so.

- Matt Ridley on China and India and innovation. Freedom is the not-so secret sauce. 

- It's All Just Displacement. Interesting read. "The vast majority of the country is not woke, including the vast majority of women and people of color. How could it possibly be healthy for the entire media industry to be captured by any single niche political movement, let alone one that nobody likes?" Interesting question.

- Well done explanation of NFT's - and why they're good!


  1. Perhaps the Chinese will change due to their innovation and challenge the system. So many are educated in the US and return home, maybe that will influence things as well. Thanks for the link.

  2. They are also counting on the people of Hong Kong to forget what freedom was like to live under. Tourism to China should grind to a halt and any nations of conscience should decouple economically.
