Friday, July 02, 2021

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

One complaint I have with Substack is that its easy to subscribe to a particular writer but I see no way to unsubscribe (perhaps I'm just obtuse)... The Donald Rumsfeld the Obituaries Won't Write About. Nice appreciation of a truly unique man... "Ruptcy" is such an underused suffix. Everyone understands "bankruptcy" which is the state of completely lacking in money. I think the words "Whiskeyruptcy" and "brownieruptcy" among others should become more common in everyday vernacular... Has anyone looked into how zombies affect Estate Planning? Would you be able to avoid Death Taxes if you just declared the passed loved one to now be a zombie? Working on my will and looking for loopholes... Biden's Energy Secretary recently suggested the the building collapse in Florida was due in some ways to climate change. This subject has become a joke. Would it be any surprise if the election mismanagement in the New York Mayor's race was similarly blamed on climate change? Bill Cosby getting released from jail was due to the melting polar ice caps. Some people are seriously detached from reality... Looking forward to the new Fletch movie starring Jon Hamm. My understanding is the new movie will be more true to the novels on which the character was based which is good because I enjoyed the books.... 

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