Thursday, July 29, 2021

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

Walmart to pay college tuition and book costs for full and part-time employees. Your move Amazon.

- Despite "Delta" alarmism, US COVID deaths at lowest level since March 2020 - "despite all the alarmism and clamor for renewed restrictions on our liberty, there's not really been a resurgence in the state of the COVID-19 crisis itself." 

- Interesting - Are we finally getting cold feet about Net Zero (the UK's version of the Green New Deal)? "The green agenda has been hastily advanced by lobbyists, academics and politicians, who have few realistic ideas as to how to achieve any of it - technically, economically or politically."

- Jeez - Medical Schools are Now Denying Biological Sex. Enough is enough with this woke culture crap!

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