Friday, August 12, 2022

Woke Elites Control the Institutions Meant to Serve Us

Glenn Reynolds on how leadership of institutions like BlackRock and the Democratic Party pursue their own agendas instead of the interests of those they are supposed to serve.

Looking around, it seems pretty clear that this isn’t a problem just for BlackRock and the Democratic Party. All over America — and to a substantial degree, the world — institutions seem to be run on behalf of the people who control them rather than to support their missions or the people they’re supposed to serve.

Both BlackRock and the Democratic Party are like parasites who have taken over their hosts' bodies. The parasites are in most cases wealthy white woke activists (or at least wealthy whites who play activists for the camera but who are really in it for the graft). 

One complaint is that Professor Reynolds doesn't mention the elephant in the room - the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese funds. Both BlackRock (especially) and the Democratic Party are flooded with Chinese money which colors all their decisions.

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