Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Jonathan Turley's article on the Adam Rubenstein piece on the NYT that ran in The Atlantic. Was going to post the original Rubenstein piece yesterday but that was behind a paywall.

- Time with a cover article on The New Anti-Semitism.

- Peter King throws Roger Goodell and the NFL under the bus for making up Deflategate against Tom Brady and the Patriots.

- Apple stops investing in an EV car. They should have invested in Tesla when they were first asked.


  1. Why didn't Peter King do any of that research at the time?

  2. Think because one of the voices he trusted but has not named said the balls were deflated and he went with it on the basis of their word. That person works at ESPN and has cancer. At least he named Roger Goodell.
