Saturday, June 08, 2019

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Using nuclear power to directly eliminate the root cause of global warming. Interesting, technical, long-read but the proposal means a 1 GW reactor could remove 3,790 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere PER DAY

- This gave me chills - people's beautiful expressions at hearing sound for the first time

- Interesting - the world first rooftop 360-degree infinity pool

- How to donate your body to science

- An app for iPhones can automatically start to record if you get pulled over by the police

- One stat where I want to strive to be below average

- Interesting map showing the most famous person born in different parts of the US. Worcester's most famous resident is listed as H. Jon Benjamin (Archer) - I would have guessed Dennis Leary (though historically it should have been Robert Goddard)

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