Sunday, September 18, 2022

Characteristics of Cities

Interesting observation from Niall Ferguson's The Square and the Tower:

"Cities with at least one printing press in 1500 were significantly more likely to adopt Protestantism than cities without without printing, but the cities with multiple competing printers that were most likely to turn Protestant."

Made me wonder if there are modern indicating characteristics to cities in the US being either Democrat or Republican that would be similar to the printing press making a city Protestant or Catholic back in 1500. My first guess is that unions would be that key indicator but what else could be the key?


  1. Early keys to Democrat power: Catholics, Jews, and Blacks. If you want a single point of failure: a large university.

  2. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I agree but find it interesting that we both regard a democratic party ruled city to be a failure. On absolute humanitarian terms I think it is a total failure but when it comes to the remnants of our days as a thrusting capitalist society we still have the remains of NYC, SF, Chicago and a few others that overwhelmingly democratic still have power, money and influence far beyond their current capabilities. Soon, a few will morph into Detroit. In 50 years they won't even notice.
