Thursday, September 29, 2022

Netflix in Trouble?

A survey of 1,000 Americans says 1 in 4 plan to ditch the service in the upcoming year.

As things get tight, people living from paycheck to paycheck will naturally look to cut expenses they can live without. Netflix falls into that category. But so does other services like Disney+, Hulu, etc. This doesn't even take into account the amount of people who may cut the cord on cable TV as well for similar reasons.

The one service that may be immune to this financial crunch may be Amazon Prime. Many, like me, signed up for the service because of the free shipping and the streaming service was just an added bonus. With higher gas prices some may opt for more shopping online to reduce the driving to and from the shops,


  1. Anonymous8:15 AM

    What little on Netflix I find watchable (so far, just "Lincoln Lawyer") I can watch at a friend's house. At $119/yr I'm debating renewal of Prime; again, precious little I want to watch (Bosch, mostly, which I'd be glad to "pay-for-view" separately when each new season arrived), but the speedy delivery in quantities as small as one has value. It would be nice if the Zon offered "Prime Lite" - no streaming and 2-day delivery for about 75% of the current rate.

  2. There's a number of benefits to Amazon Prime which would be interesting to see unbundled. You mention Prime Video but there's also the music, photo storage and other benefits - most of which I don't use.

    Guessing we'll not see any unbundling though because there's no real benefit to Amazon to do so.

    Also wouldn't be surprised if once Jeff Bezos has his satellite broadband offering in place that it also gets bundled with Prime to compete with Musk's Starlink offering.
