Thursday, July 13, 2023

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

The Sports Section is Dead. "Long live the sports section." Closely resembles my own evolution on the two announcements.

- Dan Carlin has a new Substack account (well new to me). Enjoy!

- Speaking of Substack - here's Matt Taibbi of Racket News on Where Have all the Liberals Gone? Good stuff.

- Used to enjoy Anchor Brewing but understand the move. Anchor was founded in 1886 and would not be surprised if a buyer was found and the brewery moved out of San Fran.


  1. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Re NYT - distrust and dislike any organization that describes itself as 'award winning', since all the awards are invariably self serving industry shill plaques many to connote membership and approval, not quality.

  2. The NYT received a Pulitzer Prize for their positive coverage of Joseph Stalin. They have yet to return that award. Goes to show what awards mean to the NYT and what they should mean to you.
