Wednesday, January 12, 2005

In Good Company - I Won!

You may recall that Grace Hill Media, who is promoting the new Universal film In Good Company, is trying to harness the power of the blogosphere (via Hugh Hewitt).

Basically, Grace Hill Media is providing bloggers 2 tickets to advance screenings of the movie with the understanding that the bloggers will write a review of the movie. Since Grace Hill Media knows that this is a good film - they feel confident that the reviews will fuel positive word of mouth and movies like this only really succeed via positive word of mouth. I wrote about my feelings on this marketing approach here.

You may also recall that Grace Hill Media sweetened the pot by offering a private screening to one lucky blogger. Anyway - I WON!

Woo hoo! I won!

I get a private screening of In Good Company tomorrow (Thursday January 13th) at 7:30 pm at the Showcase Cinemas North in Worcester.

There are 110 seats and I will be inviting family, friends, the teachers at my kids' schools (I'm sure they will appreciate a free movie) and I would also like to extend invitations to any of my readers or any fellow bloggers who happen to live in the Central Mass area. Just drop me a line (either in the comments or via email) and I'll put you on the list.

Special thanks go out to Jonathan Bock (who is a big Dodgers fan) and Emily McKnight (who is as nice a person as I've ever talked to on the phone) both from Grace Hill Media. Also thank you to Hugh Hewitt whose support and understanding of the blogoshere is opening up new doorways of opportunity for bloggers like me.

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