Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Inaugural Day Stuff

PJ O'Rouke wrote about the type of Inaugural Address he'd like to see from George Bush:
MY FELLOW AMERICANS, I had intended to reach out to all of you and bring a divided nation together. But I changed my mind. America isn't divided by political ethos or ethnic origin. America isn't divided by region or religion. America is divided by jerks. Who wants to bring a bunch of jerks together with the rest of us? Let them stew in Berkeley, Boston, and Ann Arbor.

The media say that I won the election on the strength of moral values. If the other fellow had become president, would the media have said that he won the election on the strength of immoral values? For once the media would have been right.

We are all sinners. But jerks revel in their sins. You can tell by their reaction to the Ten Commandments. Post those Ten Commandments in a courthouse or a statehouse, in a public school or a public park, and the jerks go crazy. Why is that? Christians believe in the Ten Commandments. So do Muslims. Jews, too, obviously. Show the Ten Commandments to Hindus, Buddhists, Confucians, or to people with just good will and common sense and nobody says, "Whoa! That's all wrong!"
Hat tip to Large Bill for the link.

Recently I posted some Inaugural Day trivia that I found interesting. That trivia had the benefit of being true but sometimes made up stuff is even funnier. Something Awful has some faux Inaugural Day trivia like:
At the after-inaugural reception, whoever catches the president's flower bouquet becomes the ambassador to Sweden.

Richard Nixon is the only president to drop the F-bomb in his inaugural address.

The shortest inaugural address in history was given by George Washington in 1793, when he famously remarked, "What, am I supposed to do this again?"

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