Monday, September 19, 2005

Amazing Grace

Many times on a long drive or long walk - I've tried to come up with a list of the five greatest American novelists or novels. I've never been able to come up with a list that I feel comfortable with. Too many variables and styles. Poe's technical style was better than Twain's and the time difference makes it difficult to compare to Hemingway or Fitzgerald and what about Melville or Faulkner. I can't even narrow my list of the great American novels to less than ten - never mind the greatest American novel.

There is no doubt in my mind when it comes to the greatest American song ever written. No doubt at all. The greatest American song ever written is Amazing Grace by John Newton. Everything else is a distant second.

EDIT: I was informed and I confirmed that John Newton was from Old England and not New England as I thought. As I said in the comments "D'oh!"

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