Thursday, December 09, 2021

The Turn

Fantastic article in The Tablet describing one person's "gnawing discomfort" and "sense of panic" over what the Democratic Party and "the Left" has become

Have a feeling that there are many Democrats feeling this way as if they have in reality become politically homeless. The words, beliefs and actions of the politicians they voted for, the newspapers they've read their whole life, and the schools they've attended are almost unrecognizable. And unsupportable. Looting is not social justice. Censorship and the silencing of voices is not the idea of free speech previously held sacred. "My body - my choice" has Orwellianly been turned on its head. There's a silent epidemic of a crisis of belief in the Democratic Party.

When "'the left' becomes the party of wealthy elites, and state security agencies who preach racial division, state censorship, contempt for ordinary citizens and for the US Constitution, and telling people what to do and think at every turn" it is a crisis of conscience in the very fabric of many whose very identity was tied into being a liberal Democrat.

The question becomes - what do these people do? Are they self-aware enough to make "The Turn?" Do they silently soldier on unenthusiastically keeping up appearances? Do they abandon the Party and become Independents? None of the answers to these questions seems like good omens for the Democrats. 


  1. No, I don't think there are a great many Democrats who think this way. This is what the Left has been promising, what their voters have been begging for, all their lives.

  2. I live in Mass and have a large number of Democrat friends. Most of them have the feeling of "This is not what we stand for."
