Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Top 5 - Literary Masterpieces I Can't Read

Today is Don DeLillo's birthday (he turned 71 today). His birthday is another reminder of how I've never been able to make it through his masterpiece Underworld. I've picked the book up several times but around page 100 I just lose interest. No matter how many people tell me how great the book is - I just can't finish it. There are a number of "great" books that fit this description. here are the top 5 masterpieces that I either can't finish or have no interest in starting.

1. James Joyce Ulysses - I seem to pick this book up every year and make it to about page 100
2. John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath (Centennial Edition) - I re-read Cannery Row every summer but can't get interested in the Grapes.
3. Somerset Maugham Of Human Bondage (Signet Classics) - I've read just about everything else by Maugham but I can't finish this book
4. Don DeLillo Underworld: A Novel
5. Norman Mailer The Executioner's Song

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