Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Texas and Gregg Popovich

Texas is now 100% open for business thanks to Governor Greg Abbott. I say "Hallelujah!" and hope other states follow suit. Others are not so happy with the decision.

San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovitch on Texas lifting the mask mandate; "Getting rid of masks seems ignorant to me. It's like we have to have instant gratification. We have to act like the pandemic is over. We already went through this once. We have to do it again?"

If that's how you really feel coach Pop then I have a few suggestions for you for dealing with the Governor's decision:

1. You could step away from coaching if you think it is unsafe. You've made millions and have the resources to self-isolate for as long as you feel "unsafe." I mean you've been able to work this whole time - why begrudge the others in Texas that same opportunity?

2. You could ask the owners of the Spurs to forgo the revenue that fans in the stands would bring in order for your personal peace of mind. How do you think that request would go over?

3. You could pretend that the fans are not there to see an NBA game but actually in attendance of an indoors Black Lives Matter protest. That would make the crowds "safe" from the virus according to the "science" we've witness these past 12-months or so.

4. You could fuck off. For you to do otherwise would seem ignorant to me.


  1. He has always been a douche-nozzle, he always will be.

  2. Was it Lenin who coined the phrase "useful idiots" ? This coach is an example .
