In my youth, I was pushed by strong winds to directions that did not serve me. My future depended upon discipline. To develop this, I took up "free solo" rock climbing. I enjoyed it, it was calming, and demanded the ability to reason clearly, while ingoring pain, fatigue, and injury. You must accurately judge with certainty in minute detail your ability to achieve a goal, or to safely retreat (there are no eyes on your feet). Your first mistake is your last mistake.
While it's been awhile since then, I still actively build tolerance to pain and discomfort, and the ability to function clearly and calmly in their presence. I never want to be a slave to pain and fear.
works for me, but who (else) do you know who will refuse aspirin, or even a local at the dentist. ;-) I want to *know* what's happening no matter how ugly. I want to know and feel the truth, no matter what it is. Not a popular philosophy.
In my youth, I was pushed by strong winds to directions that did not serve me. My future depended upon discipline. To develop this, I took up "free solo" rock climbing. I enjoyed it, it was calming, and demanded the ability to reason clearly, while ingoring pain, fatigue, and injury. You must accurately judge with certainty in minute detail your ability to achieve a goal, or to safely retreat (there are no eyes on your feet). Your first mistake is your last mistake.
ReplyDeleteWhile it's been awhile since then, I still actively build tolerance to pain and discomfort, and the ability to function clearly and calmly in their presence. I never want to be a slave to pain and fear.
"I never want to be a slave to pain and fear" would make an excellent life motto.
ReplyDeleteworks for me, but who (else) do you know who will refuse aspirin, or even a local at the dentist. ;-) I want to *know* what's happening no matter how ugly. I want to know and feel the truth, no matter what it is. Not a popular philosophy.