Actress Jennifer "Bride of Chucky" Tilly won a World Series of Poker bracelet (and $158k) in the Ladies No-Limit Event LINK
Something tells me that she'll be insuferable at the Hollywood home games Vince Van Patten is always prattling on about.
Chris Lynch's slanted view on sports, politics and entertainment. Please send thoughts or comments to
[Billy]Beane has told everyone who calls that he will not trade Barry Zito during the season, as he believes that with Rich Harden, Dan Haren, Joe Blanton and Kirk Saarloos and Huston Street at the end, the A's could have a big second half.Hey didn't I just say that same thing a couple days ago?
Whomever designed that park in Philadelphia was an idiot. The home-road run numbers are the same as Coors Field.Don't sugarcoat things Peter - tell us how you really feel about the new park in Philly.
The polls show the American people are growing pessimistic about Iraq, and no wonder. They are being rallied against the cause by such statesmen as the two above. Six months after they repudiated the insurgency in a historic election, free Iraqis are continuing to make slow but steady political and military gains. Where the terrorists are gaining ground is in Washington, D.C.
"Nobody can be compelled to take a job in a restaurant that allows smoking. I'm not an uncritical fan of market forces, but I'm sure they're good enough to sort this out without any help. The idea that there's a worker whose only skill is being a barman or a waiter who can only find a job in a place where he has to inhale others' smoke... I don't believe in the existence of this person. And if he does exist, he shouldn't be able to change my behavior."I would argue that the person working the fryolator at a fast food restaurant works in a much more hazardous environment than a bartender in a smokey bar. The kid at the fryolator has to deal with getting splashed with hot grease and getting exposed skin and their clothes covered in a film of fat. I bet more studies exist to support the permanent scarring from acne cause by working a fryolator than do studies supporting the existence of the dangers of second-hand smoke. Yet do you think any law banning french fries would ever see the light of day? And I haven't even brought up the dangers of second-hand grease stains or the dangers of slipping on greasy floors.
Hugh: Are you proud of the way your men conducted themselves vis-a-vis these prisoners?
Pete: Absolutely. I mean, you've got guys from New jersey who were just, you know, minutes away from the Towers when the fell, who knew family members who died that day. And the professionalism with which they conducted themselves around men who may have been involved in those attacks was extraordinary.
Hugh: Do you feel they are being slandered by these conversations, the Durbin statements, the Minneapolis Star Tribune?
Pete: Oh, sure. It is something that I have come to expect but thankfully we have men and women who are willing to conduct themselves, you know, the right way on a mission no matter what anyone is saying about them.
Sideshow Bob, "But wait, if you saved Selma, why did the room explode?"Turns out that I guess we need to keep the democrats out of the Governors mansions as much as the White House I guess. Not only get them back on the streets but get them their vote back as well? What's next? Just enough pardons to swing an election? Harry Truman must be spinning in his grave. Couple this with the crying over the treatment of prisoners at Gitmo and I don't see how the democrats can avoid being painted as not only soft on crime but also of coddling and pandering to criminals.
Chief Wiggum: "Me and the boys were celebrating a job well done," [cut to Wiggum, Homer, and a few cops smoking cigars] "When I threw my match in the vicinity of the crime scene."
The police start to take Sideshow Bob away, and he yells, "I'll be back. You can't keep the democrats out of the White House forever. And when they get in, I'm back on the streets, with all my criminal buddies!" (Maniacal laughter).
I like [Sammy] Knight, who's a turnover-maker; no player in the league has as many takeaways (fumble recoveries and interceptions) over the past eight years as Knight's 46. (Stole that one from Chiefs Web site maestro, Kansas City radioman and Hall of Fame voting peer Bob Gretz. Great, great note.)Why pick 8 years? Isn't that a bit long? Isn't ths like Denver saying no reciever has had more receptions over the past 20 years than Jerry Rice? Cool stat but what does it have to do with current production. All the stat King picked out tells me is that Sammy Knight has been in the league a long time.
Can someone explain why flying in and out of Kansas City is as difficult as flying in and out of Altoona? There are hardly any non-stops. Small planes galore. I'm sure it has everything to do with market size, but for a significant American city to have such a poor schedule of flights is bizarre.KC is a hub for Southwest and you can almost always get a direct flight there with Southwest. Problem is - Southwest charges larger patrons for two seats if their ass can fit in a single.
I will say this about Kansas City: That baseball park is underrated. Caught Dodgers and Royals game with some Chiefs' front-office folks on Wednesday -- Jose Lima's 14th start of the year and first win -- and was astounded to hear there's some sentiment about moving the team to a new downtown park. OK, I love downtown ballparks. But sitting upstairs between third and home, looking out on the fountains, the green hills, the grass and I-70, I thought: Other than the really new parks and the Fenways and WrigleysI've been to many parks and KC remains a favorite.
I'm more interested in the NHL settling its strike and getting ready for a full season than in the NBA Finals. I've seen exactly zero minutes of that.This thought by King almost echoes exactly the thought I had on the NBA this morning.
Throughout the last campaign season, senior Democrats had a standard line in their speeches, usually delivered with righteous anger, about how "nobody has a right to question my patriotism!" Given that nobody was questioning their patriotism, it seemed an odd thing to harp on about. But, aware of their touchiness on the subject, I hasten to add that in what follows I am not questioning Dick Durbin's patriotism, at least not for the first couple of paragraphs. Instead, I'll begin by questioning his sanity.
A reader living in Moscow sent me a photo from a rally in Azerbaijan, which showed a youth holding up a poster of President Bush with the words, “We Want Freedom.” The reader commented, “It’s good to remember whom people turn to when they’re desperate — and it ain’t Kofi Annan.”Amen indeed!
The problem with naming the left field pole after Carlton Fisk is that such monuments need to be massaged into the lexicon over time. To foist it upon the fandom and make it "“official"” de-legitimizes the entire event. . .I feel the same way about the recent official naming of the left field foul pole at Fenway. First off - the right field pole is called the Pesky Pole after Johnny Pesky. That's what fans call the pole - it is not the official name. Second, Fisk already has his number retired by the Sox - naming the pole after him is overkill. Third - no alliteration. Pesky Pole rhymes and rolls off the tongue. Fisk's Pole? Not so much. I promise you will not read the word's "Fisk's Pole" uttered in this space. Bonus points to Scott for using the word "foist".
The Yankees made a mistake in signing Womack to a two-year, $4 million deal rather than keeping Miguel Cairo. They made the blunder bigger by playing Womack every day. They made things even worse by batting him first or second, giving a guy with a .289 OBP extra plate appearances. And they goofed again by moving him to left field, as if an American League team can simply write off offense from a corner outfield position.To that I say - well duh!
Tony Womack - 2-years $4 million from the Yankees. The Yankees both overpaid and downgraded the position at the same time. The smart move would have to just keep Miguel Cairo.One thing that Verducci fails to do is offer a solution to the Yankee's problem with Womack. Do they release him and eat the contract? Keep him on the bench to fester like an open sore? Trade for an outfielder? With what? Their cupboards are bare. What do the Yankees have to offer for a Preston Wilson? An amateur like me could tell you Womack was a bad move months ago. It would be nice if the professionals could let us know what the Yankees could do now to fix the problem.
He [Manny] is on pace for 39 home runs and 124 RBI, slightly ahead of his five-year averages as a Red Sox of 38 homers and 118 RBI. What is lagging is his batting average, which was at .254 yesterday.As Lyford has pointed out - the only thing that has really declined this year for Manny has been singles and many times that's a matter of luck. Line drives are hit right at outfielders or ground balls that made it through in the past are now knocked down.
His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free.Hat tip to the Happy Carpenter
She grew on him like she was a colony of E.coli and he was room-temperature Canadian beef.
Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.
McBride fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty bag filled with vegetable soup.
From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city and Jeopardy comes on at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30.
John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who had also never met.
Pulmonary hypertension is a rare blood vessel disorder of the lung in which the pressure in the pulmonary artery (the blood vessel that leads from the heart to the lungs) rises above normal levels and may become life threatening.You can learn more about the disease at the Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA) website.
Symptoms of pulmonary hypertension include shortness of breath with minimal exertion, fatigue, chest pain, dizzy spells and fainting. When pulmonary hypertension occurs in the absence of a known cause, it is referred to as primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH). This term should not be construed to mean that because it has a single name it is a single disease. There are likely many unknown causes of PPH. PPH is extremely rare, occurring in about two persons per million population per year.
Rice, whose first name is a variation on the Italian musical term "con dolcezza," which is a direction to play with sweetness, learned to read music at the age of 3.Hat tip to Betsy's Page
Secretary General Gorbachev, if you seek peace--if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe--if you seek liberalization: come here, to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.It will be interesting to see if there is any mention of this anniversary anywhere in the Main Stream Media.
This summer, the number 26 will be retired in Fenway Park and put up on the roof with 1, 4, 8, 9 and 27.Gammons is known for just throwing things against the wall, hoping something sticks. This will not stick.