Saturday, June 11, 2005

Red Roof Inn

Have you seen the new commercial for Red Roof Inns? It features two white guys who seem ecstatic both with their rooms and the fact that the room has video games. I find myself asking who Red Roof thinks they are marketing to.

Neither of these guys in the commercials seems to be married. No phone calls home to the wife and kids for them. Neither guy seems interested in a quality restaurant or room service (which is a good thing seeing how it is Red Roof and all). Neither guy seems interested if the hotel has a lounge or in the local nightlife. Nope - the only thing that interests these guys is the in-room video games.

Red Roof is targeting to the loser market.

Part of me thinks that the guys are so happy that there are video games in the room because now they won't have to risk leaving the room and have a run in with one of the truckers who are always staying at Red Roof. I also wonder if these guys know that the in-room video games are charged separately on the bill and that their company probably won't reimburse them for the charges.

I don't see this commercial being successful for Red Roof.

If I could be so bold as to suggest a new marketing approach - I'd have them change the name from Red Roof Inn to Red Neck Inn. They could stock the pool with trout and have nightly fishing derbies.

Hey - can't be any worse than the current marketing campaign.

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