Sunday, August 16, 2020

Linky Links

 Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Star moving so fast it visibly warps space-time

- David Sinclair's book Lifespan is definitely on my reading list

- Awesome - How to make a Blockbuster Movie Trailer

- Federal agents trick Hamas into sending Bitcoin to Uncle Sam

- Did Sweden accidentally achieve COVID-19 herd immunity?

- Aussie man beats up shark to save wife


  1. Christopher L Hunt1:17 PM

    Sweden did not do anything accidentally, they deliberately chose their strategy. We chose, and are still choosing, the wrong one.

  2. I agree with both your points.

    If you notice the headline on the article says "Blunder" while I changed it to the more neutral "accidentally." I was trying to be diplomatic but like I said during the early primaries you used to hear "we should be more like Sweden" all the time. Since the Wuhan Virus - not so much.
