Monday, August 24, 2020

Flotsam and Jetsam

 Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Many have noted that Trump's Impeachment was not even mentioned at the DNC last week. This should be bigger news as the Democrats and the media played up the Impeachment for weeks. Is this a tacit admission that the whole thing was a sham? In the past people would feel shame for pulling something like that... Donate Bloob... The average death age in the US is 78 which also happens to be the average death age from the Wuhan virus. At this point I'd like to see not just the number of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths from Covid-19 but also the year over year death numbers. My suspicion is that 2020 has a higher death rate but only because suicides and overdoses are way up during the lockdown...  "Some people ask you a question with their eyes begging you to not tell them the truth." - Nassim Taleb... I wonder who owns that Antifa truck in Portland and how their insurance company is going to react if they try to file a claim for damage...  

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