Thursday, August 20, 2020

Linky Links

 Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Wow - the Obamas like Joe Biden but just not enough to donate any money to his campaign.

- The argument against more Federal stimulus spending. I've always felt that Federal stimulus funds are wildly inefficient.

- Interesting - Ohio State is leading the charge to have football this fall with other Big 10 colleges no matter what the league says.

- In a related story the University of Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Bengals and the Cleveland Browns are all cleared to play football. Ohio State (the best pro team in Ohio) is trying to join those still playing.  

- Ryan Holiday on 10 books that will blow your mind. Sadly I've only read one of the books on the list.

- San Francisco is racing NYC to see which city can have the biggest implosion.  


  1. "Linky links" I have no idea why in the world I find this to be so funny but im dying here.

  2. Thanks - glad you like it.
