Monday, April 05, 2004

Speaking of Barry Bonds

Michael Rains, the lawyer for Barry Bonds, is saying that the federal government is out to get Barry Bonds for perjury. To me this was to be expected. Barry Bonds is no different than Martha Stewart and now Martha Stewart is going to jail - not for insider trading but for lying to the federal investigators. Likewise, Bonds will likely get in trouble not for taking steroids but for lying about taking them to federal prosecutors. That's the way the system works and I personally have no sympathy for Bonds.

Ask yourself - who is the worse villain - Martha Stewart or Barry Bonds? If Martha motivated some young high school girls to make their own centerpieces and be nasty to their assistants - no real harm done. If Barry Bonds steroid use motivated high school athletes to gobble pills and inject themselves with needles - then there was some harm done. Barry gets no sympathy from me.

I know we will hear the argument of "doesn't the federal government have better things to do?" To me this is the same argument used by people stopped for speeding who lament about the cop who pulled them over, "shouldn't you be out catching murderers and rapists instead of pulling me over?" Neither argument is really an argument but more of a complaint that has as its basis the idea "yeah - I'm guilty but...."

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