Friday, April 09, 2004

West Wing Thoughts 2

With Condolezza Rice so much in the news these days - I wanted to make a couple of comments about how Condi relates to the bizarro - this is how the liberal elites view the perfect President and White House staff of The West Wing.

In Aaron Sorkin's world the chief National Security Advisor to the President is a black woman. In the show her name is Dr. Nancy McNally. In the real world - her name is Dr. Condolezza Rice.

In the real world - Rice was grilled by the 9/11 commission about what the President knew and when did he know it and was the President preoccupied with thoughts of "getting" Saddam Hussein. In the real world - we have a man named Richard Clarke trying to sell the idea that when he briefed Condolezza Rice on the security threats facing the US during the transition period of the new administration - she seemed unaware of who Osama bin Laden was. (It's in his book you can look it up.)

In the bizarro world of "this is how we want the White House to operate" world of The West Wing - in the first show of the second season - the President is shot. This show aired on October 4, 2000 (a month before the Presidential election). When Leo McGarry and the Vice President go to the situation room - the first two things that they are told are that a number of splinter cell leaders are missing including bin Laden and that the Iraqi Republican Guard is on the move. This update on the situation is delivered by Nancy McNally who wants to prepare to strike Iraq right then and there.

(BTW - Nancy McNally once offered up this gem, "You want peace in the Middle East? Give me a pair of third-generation ICBMs and a compass." Can you imagine the outrage the liberal media would have if the real world NSA head said something like that?)

OK - so even though the fake black woman NSA head knew about bin Laden and the fake ideal White House viewed Iraq as a major credible threat - the real world liberal elite want us to believe that the real black woman NSA head didn't know who Osama bin Laden was (according to Richard Clarke) and that the White House was wrong to view Iraq as such a threat.

I don't get it.

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