Thursday, December 20, 2018

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- An interesting look at Lynyrd Skynyrd's Sweet Home Alabama and the song's meaning.

- Just when you thought that Facebook couldn't get any scummier. I'm not on Facebook but I'm sure these maggots have my data too. If you're still on Facebook take a long look in the mirror an ask yourself why.

- The unusual books that shaped billionaires, mega best-selling authors, and other prodigies. So many books - so little time.

- And while we are talking about books - here's Shane Parrish's recommended reading list for 2018. I'm getting fearful of getting a complex related to the knowledge that there's so many great books out there that I haven't read or even heard of!

- And once again speaking of books - a day long trip to the Last Bookstore in LA is now on my bucket list

- Interesting opinion - why Vladimir Putin is a terrible strategist

- This is such a great story. Syracuse should be proud of getting such a high caliber recruit.

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