Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Hypothesis: if AOC hadn't chased away the proposed Amazon East Coast HQ and the 25,000 plus jobs it would have brought many people would have moved to or stayed in NYC and New York wouldn't be losing a Congressional seat. Just saying... Really enjoyed the Marvel series Falcon and the Winter Soldier but I kept having the thought how amusing it would be to print up bumper stickers that replaces the Flag Smashers logo with the DNC logo to re-use the "One World. One People." catch-phrase...  Heh Heh... Explanatory Knowledge would be a good name for a blog... Truth be told - I'm a little disappointed 2020 didn't actually give us murder hornets... So the Oscars were watched by just 9.85 million people. That means Hollywood's signature event now just has ratings slightly better that this year's Peach Bowl which "pitted" Georgia against Cincinnati (hardly a marque bowl game). That game was watched by almost 9 million...


  1. It will be fun watching NY politicians work the blame game. Fingers will be pointed everywhere. Will AOC attempt to shift blame to Cuomo for killing more than 89 NYrs? Will the legislature draw redistricting boundaries such that AOC has a competitive reelection? Time to make popcorn.

  2. It will be interesting to see the same blame game play out in California too
