Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.
We could have 100% rock solid evidence that the virus was released from the Wuhan lab but if medical experts proved the Nicki Manaj's cousin's testicle story was real - the story of the swollen balls would get all the media attention... Greenpeace and Golden Rice. Greenpeace is an evil organization and if you donate money to them you are either ignorant of the facts or also a bad person. This is when I decided Greenpeace was just evil... With all the legalized gambling in this country you would think the word "Vigorish" would be making a big comeback but not so much... For the past decade auto-tuned vocals have been big in pop songs. I'd like to see someone go old school and instead of auto-tune just sing the vocals into a fan (like we used to do as a kid)... Week 3 of college football is normally the point where sports bettors realize "I don't know what the hell I'm doing." This year that's really true... The Biden Administration has been especially hard on the folks at Bad Lip Reading because whatever they come up with for Joe Biden people will be unsure if it's a joke or maybe the President actually said that...
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