Friday, February 25, 2022

How to Understand the New United Nations IPCC Report

"The current IPCC report is notable because it has stated that among the 5 'illustrative' scenarios that it emphasizes, it assigns no likelihood to any of them."

Instead of apocalyptic warnings about "immediate risk" a top line message of this report should be: Great News! The Extreme Scenario that IPCC Saw as Most Likely in 2013 is Now Judged Low Likelihood. I am actually floored that this incredible change in such a short time apparently hasn't been noticed, much less broadcast around the world.

Bold in original. "The result is a report that appears to have an apocalypse bias." Ya think! 

Apocalypse bias is what gets people worked up enough to donate money and change policies. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good fundraising message. And yes this article was posted in August but the fact I'm just coming across it now emphasizes how the true message of he IPCC report was buried among claims "we only have 12 years to save the planet!"

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