Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Iwo Jima

Today is the anniversary of the iconic photo by Joe Rosenthal of the raising of the American flag on Mount Suribashi on Iwo Jima. The fighting on the island actually started four days earlier on February 19th. The story of this battle is something every high school student should have to learn before they are allowed to graduate.

Semper Fidelis.


  1. I posted this on my FB page. The more I read about marines the more I wish I was one.

    On this day in 1945, America lost 6,800 men, with 26,000 casualties. This island, called Iwo Jima was located approximately 600 miles south of Tokyo. The Japanese defenders spent months building tunnels to connecting caves. The island was blacken volcanic sand pit with an active volcano spilling hydrogen sulfide gas. The Japanese defense was different, allowing marine units to come ashore, then proceeded to place them in a kill zone. American boys, your grandfather, grand Uncles left America, warm with apple pie, volunteered and die for you. Marines are special, they love America, freedom and never ever give up. "Uncommon valor was common." They will sacrifice their lives for each other, I call this true love.

    When you see a marine, hug them hard and thank them for their service and your freedom. I love marines. Just an old USAF technician with marine envy. Lv ya Sgt Pete

  2. Had two brothers as Marines and my family motto is Semper Fidelis (the Lynch family had it first) - so I understand the envy of not being a Marine myself.
