Sunday, February 27, 2022

War and Food

Arabs fear for wheat supplies after Russia invades Ukraine. There will be bread riots in the Middle East and Africa. And don't forget China who has trouble feeding itself as well.

This is a chance for America to deploy some food diplomacy. We are the world's breadbasket. Just converting the corn used to make Ethanol back to food for human beings, starving human beings, could make a big difference. And we should make that pivot from biofuels back to food permanent. 


  1. Correct me if wrong, please, But I semi remember that the corn used for gas makes for poor people food - just as does the corn used as animal feed - starch/sugar ratios or some such? So while stopping the pollution of gasoline is a wonderful thing (and should happen irregardless of these other concerns) there is a no way for doing so to have an immediate impact on food production.

  2. I remember reading similar things but those articles also talked about changing the seed to "people" food corn and utilizing the bio waste from things like sugar cane from Brazil to make up the difference to get the same amount of Ethanol. Trouble is the subsidies put in place for Ethanol are the real stumbling block. The farmers wouldn't want to switch unless they get equal incentives.
