Friday, February 25, 2022

LeBron James is a Hard Person to Root For

And it seems an ever harder person to work with. Read through this litany of James being a spoiled man-child and tell me this describes a likable human.  As a Celtics fan - I've never liked LeBron and it gives me pleasure that James is going to leave the Los Angeles Lakers in tatters when he departs. 

It's said the truly great players elevated the play of those around them. Again - read the history of LeBron's scheming behind the scenes and tell me how he's done that. Bird, Magic, and Michael all made their teammates better players. LeBron tries to get his teammates traded instead. 

Oh and spare me "He's built a school" crap. Tell that to the people of Hong Kong or the people in Chinese labor camps. 

1 comment:

  1. I've never liked LeBaby as a player because it is ALWAYS about him in what is supposed to be a team game. As an ex-Mavs fan (I no longer consider myself a fan of ANY professional team), in the 2011 Finals, I remember being happy in one game (I think it was game 4) when LeBaby hit his first 3-point shot because I knew he would start jacking it up from everywhere instead of driving to the hoop where the refs ALWAYS protect him by putting him on the foul line. Btw, the refs protect him on defense also - I think he averages less than two fouls per game, which is ridiculous for someone that plays as many minutes per game as him.
