Sunday, October 02, 2005

West Wing Thoughts

Here's my thoughts on tonight's The West Wing episode.

Let me start off by saying that adding Janeane Garofalo to the cast is a mistake. This is the same mistake they made in the first season when Moira Kelly played Mandy Hampton whose sole purpose was to be a foil for Josh's character. Now we have an almost exact copy of Mandy Hampton in Garofalo's character. The Mandy character was awful and she was dropped by Aaron Sorkin like she never existed. Now we get Garofalo? Yuck!

You also have to factor in that Moira Kelly didn't have the baggage that Garofalo has. I personally can't stand her. This is the same person who said:
When I see the American flag, I go, 'Oh my God, you're insulting me.'
Maybe I'm wrong and having a person who many people "hate" will be a bump for the ratings like how wrestling always has a guy who wears the black hat. Garofalo is only slated to be on two shows - maybe she'll just fade away like Mandy Hampton.

Three other quick hits:

1. I can't hear that Steve Miller song without hearing "Big ole Jed and the light on."

2. Jimmy Smits is 6'3" and I'm not sure but he may be too tall to be a fighter pilot. I think they have minimum and maximum height restrictions. Who didn't see Smits in the flight suit at the end and think about President Bush?

3. I think it's clear that Smits is being set up to win the race. Sure the next show will probably feature Alan Alda's character prominently but Smits will succeed Martin Sheen to the role of President. I do like the Matthew Santos character and if they put a good supporting cast in place I'd watch the show with him as the central character.

Bonus observation - I still think its Toby Zeigler who is the leak.

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