Thursday, March 30, 2006

A More Pressing Issue than Steroids

So baseball is going to revisit the past and investigate the steroid era. That's all well and good but I think a more pressing issue from the past needs to be addressed by Major League Baseball.

MLB should use its financial clout to step in and get Ted Williams' head and body out of the deep freeze they're in now. Soon all of Ted's friends will be dead so this is not a issue that can wait much longer.

Ted wanted his ashes spread out over his favorite fishing spot and MLB should step in and see that the Splendid Splinter's last wishes are met. It will take money to fix this and MLB has plenty of that. MLB will end up spending more on this investigation than it would cost to buy off the Alcor folks who are holding Ted's head hostage.

So let it be written - so let it be done.

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